Digital/paper press
2024 ASU News: New ASU study explores how electric fields could repel mosquitoes
2024 ASU News: New study sheds light on temperature’s impact on mosquito control and West Nile virus risk
2024 ASU News: ASU alum, whose brother-in-law died of West Nile virus, contributes to ASU insectary
2024 ASU News: Mosquito control researcher to become ‘disease detective’ with CDC after graduating with PhD
2023 ASU News: Inside the insectary: ASU faculty innovate mosquito control and disease prevention
2023 ASU News: ‘Superarthropods’: New publication reveals impact of widespread use of insecticides for malaria control
2022 Science Magazine: Lingering fever: The battle against malaria in Africa has stalled. Can research in Mozambique explain why—and how to get it back on track?
2022 ASU News: New study improves understanding of malaria-prevention effectiveness
2022 Noticias Mozambique: Entender comportamento do mosquito para combater a malária
2022 WHO: Lifesaving malaria vaccine: harnessing innovation to fight an ancient killer (our entomologist Mara Maquina can be seen studying mosquitoes)
2020 WHO: Zero malaria starts with me (our fieldwork supervisor Albino Vembane on the front page!)
2019 ASU News: Love at first bite: Dynamic duo find research home in Arizona’s mosquito hot bed
2018 RBM Partnership to End Malaria: High burden to high impact: A targeted malaria response (highlighting our work in Mozambique, accompanying the WHO World Malaria Report 2018)
2018 Gilbert Sun News: Wetter-than-usual summer elevates EV mosquito risks
2018 ASU now: Keystone virus shows up in Florida teen’s blood: What the public needs to know
2018 News Everyday S.A.: Bayer launches trial that is set to take fight against malaria to next level in Mozambique
2017 Guyana Government Information System: ISGlobal Team Visit
2017 El País: La guerra del fin de la malaria (interview with Lucia Fernandez, highlighting our work in Mozambique)
2016 La Vanguardia: Cuando la malaria campaba a sus anchas por Europa
2016 El País: Cazadores de mosquitos en Mozambique (interview with Lucia Fernandez, highlighting our work in Mozambique)
2016 El País: Mozambique: campo de batalla contra la malaria (photo-series MALTEM)
2015 El País: Cuando los mosquitos se ríen de los insecticidas
2015 La Vanguardia (La Contra): El mosquito es el animal que más humanos mata
2014 SciDevNet: Climate change ‘could raise malaria risk in cool areas’
2014 The Guardian: New study investigates the impact of climate change on malaria
2014 EcoWatch: How climate change influences the path of malaria-carrying mosquitoes
2013 Universitat de Barcelona: Ectotherms, more sensitive to climate change
2013 The Climate News Network: Making malaria easier to track
2013 ISGlobal: Recent years have seen a (re)emergence of vector-borne disease in southern Europe
2012 NewScientist: Malaria study challenges warmer world predictions
2011 Nature News: Global warming wilts malaria
2009 Bionieuws: Mag het een graadje meer zijn?
Online lectures/videos
2023 Inside ASU’s cutting-edge insectary
2021 PacVec Spring Seminar Series: From Mozambique to Maricopa: How do human and mosquito behaviors impact vector control?
2018 Malaria Eradication Scientific Alliance (MESA): Voices of malaria
2017 New tools to advance the global response to vector-borne diseases: Key concepts in vector resistance and residual transmission
2017 New tools to advance the global response to vector-borne diseases: Workforce gaps in vector control and implications for introduction and use of new tools
2017 Keystone Symposia pre-conference course: Why mosquitoes matter
Official press releases
2018 Bayer: Bayer launches trial to take fight against malaria to next level in Mozambique
2016 ISGlobal: ISGlobal receives a USAID grant to develop a new tool against Zika
2015 ISGlobal: The south of Mozambique is a hot-spot for mosquito resistance to pyrethroids
2015 ISGlobal: ISGlobal researcher receives funding to develop a new mosquito trap
2014 ISGlobal: Better prediction of malaria at local levels
2014 Penn State: Fine-scale climate model projections predict malaria at local levels
2013 ISGlobal: Local climate alters the effectiveness of malaria vector control tools
2013 ISGlobal: Ectotherms, more sensitive to climate change due to temperature variation
2013 Penn State: Malaria infection risk influenced by daily temperature variations
2012 US Geological Survey: Malaria transmission peaks at much cooler temperatures than previously predicted
2009 Penn State: Daily temperature shifts may alter malaria patterns
2019 ISGlobal: World Mosquito Day: So Tiny, Yet so Lethal (blog by Mercy Opiyo)
2018 ISGlobal: World Mosquito Day: Fighting the Bite with Pride (blog by Mercy Opiyo)
2017 ISGlobal: The Mosquito – My ‘Femme Fatale’
2016 ISGlobal: Be prepared: The deadliest animals on our planet are here to stay
2016 ISGlobal: Death penalty for mosquitoes
2015 ISGlobal: When mosquitoes laugh at insecticides
2013 ISGlobal: How many mosquitoes are killed by insecticides?
Audio press
2017 IB3 Radio a la carta, Balears fa Ciència (with Claudia Paredes Esquivel)
2011 Deutschlandfunk (German Radio)
2006 Noorderlicht (Dutch Scientific Radio Program)