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J Kalmouni, B Jensen, J Ain, KP Paaijmans & S Huijben. Assessing temperature-dependent deltamethrin toxicity in various kdr genotypes of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes. Insects | 2025 | 16: 254 | pdf

R Maharaj, N Abdelatif, M Maquina, I Seocharan, V Lakan, K Paaijmans, F Maartens, P Aide & F Sauté. The epidemiology of malaria in four districts in southern Mozambique receiving indoor residual spray as part of a cross-border initiative. Malaria Journal | 2025 | 24: 22 | pdf

NB Jobe, M Erickson, SE Rydberg, S Huijben & KP Paaijmans. Repelling Aedes aegypti mosquitoes with electric fields using insulated conductor wires. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases | 2024 | 18(9): e0012493 | pdf

J Kalmouni, JB Will Jr, J Townsend & KP Paaijmans. Temperature and time of host-seeking activity impact the efficacy of chemical control interventions targeting the West Nile virus vector, Culex tarsalis. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases | 2024 | 18(8): e0012460 | pdf

J Kalmouni, JB Will Jr, J Townsend & KP Paaijmans. Time of host-seeking of mosquito vector species on the Tempe campus of Arizona State University. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association | 2024 | 40: 205-207 | pdf

NB Jobe, NM Franz, MA Johnston, AB Malone, I Ruberto, J Townsend, JB Will, KM Yule & KP Paaijmans. The mosquito fauna of Arizona: Species composition and public health implications. Insects | 2024 | 15: 432 | pdf

C Alafo, LF Montoya, H Martí-Soler, M Máquina, A Malheia, C Sacoor, AP Abílio, D Marrenjo, N Cuamba, B Galatas, P Aide, F Saúte & KP Paaijmans. An evaluation of LLIN physical integrity and population attitudes towards net use, care and handling during the Magude project in southern Mozambique. Malaria Journal | 2024 | 23:87 | pdf

NB Jobe, A Chourasia, BH Smith, ‪E Molins, A Rose,‬ TP Pavlic & ‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬KP Paaijmans. Using electric fields to control insects: Current applications and future directions. Journal of Insect Science | 2024 | 24: 1-9 | pdf

M Máquina, MA Opiyo, N Cuamba, D Marrenjo, M Rodrigues, S Armando, S Nhate, F Luis, F Saúte, B Candrinho, NF Lobo & KP Paaijmans. Multiple Anopheles species complicate downstream analysis and decision-making in a malaria pre-elimination area in southern Mozambique. Malaria Journal | 2024 | 23:23 | pdf

NB Jobe, S Huijben & KP Paaijmans. Non-target effects of chemical malaria vector control on other biological and mechanical infectious disease vectors. The Lancet Planetary Health | 2023 | 7: E706-E717 | pdf | correction

NB Jobe, S Huijben, JB Will Jr, J Townsend & KP Paaijmans. Comparing the efficiency of different carbon dioxide sources in collecting mosquito vector species on the Tempe campus of Arizona State University. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association | 2023 | 39(2): 142-145| pdf

L Fernández Montoya, C Alafo, H Martí-Soler, M Máquina, A Malheia, C Sacoor, AP Abílio, D Marrenjo, N Cuamba, B Galatas, P Aide, F Saúte & K Paaijmans. An evaluation of LLIN ownership, access, and use during the Magude project in southern Mozambique. PLoS ONE | 2023 | 18(3): e0282209 | pdf

S Das, M Máquina, K Phillips , N Cuamba , D Marrenjo, F Saúte, KP Paaijmans & S Huijben. Fine-scale spatial distribution of deltamethrin resistance and population structure of An. funestus and An. arabiensis populations in Southern Mozambique. Malaria Journal | 2023 | 22:94 | pdf

KP Paaijmans & NF Lobo. Gaps in protection: the actual challenge in malaria elimination. Malaria Journal | 2023 | 22:46 | pdf

L Fernández Montoya, M Máquina, H Martí-Soler, E Sherrard-Smith, C Alafo, M Opiyo, K Comiche, B Galatas, S Huijben, LL Koekemoer, SV Oliver, F Maartens, D Marrenjo, N Cuamba, P Aide, F Saúte & KP Paaijmans. The realized efficacy of indoor residual spraying campaigns falls quickly below the recommended WHO threshold when coverage, pace of spraying and residual efficacy on different wall types are considered. PLoS ONE | 2022 | 17(10): e0272655 | pdf

L Fernández Montoya, H Martí-Soler, M Máquina, K Comiche, I Cuamba, C Alafo, LL Koekemoer, E Sherrard-Smith, Q Bassat, B Galatas, P Aide, N Cuamba, D Jotamo, F Saúte & KP Paaijmans. The mosquito vectors that sustained malaria transmission during the Magude project despite the combined deployment of indoor residual spraying, insecticide-treated nets and mass-drug administration. PLoS ONE | 2022 | 17(9): e0271427 | pdf

L Fernández Montoya, C Alafo, H Martí-Soler, M Máquina, K Comiche, I Cuamba, K Munguambe, L Cator, P Aide, B Galatas, N Cuamba, D Marrenjo, F Saúte & KP Paaijmans. Overlaying human and mosquito behavioral data to estimate residual exposure to host-seeking mosquitoes and the protection of bednets in a malaria elimination setting where indoor residual spraying and nets were deployed together. PLoS ONE | 2022 | 17(9): e0270882 | pdf

C Alafo, H Martí-Soler, M Máquina, A Malheia, AS Aswat, LL Koekemoer, J Colborn, NF Lobo, A Tatarsky, YA Williams, D Marrenjo, N Cuamba, R Rabinovich, P Alonso, P Aide, F Saúte & KP Paaijmans. To spray or target mosquitoes another way: focused entomological intelligence guides the implementation of indoor residual spraying in southern Mozambique. Malaria Journal | 2022 | 21:215 | pdf

M Opiyo, E Sherrard-Smith, A Malheia, A Nhacolo, C Sacoor, A Nhacolo, M Máquina, L Jamu, N Cuamba, Q Bassat, F Saúte & K Paaijmans. Household modifications after the indoor residual spraying (IRS) campaign in Mozambique reduce the actual spray coverage and efficacy. PLoS Global Public Health | 2022 | 2(4): e0000227 | pdf

H Marti-Soler, M Máquina, M Opiyo, C Alafo, E Sherrard-Smith, A Malheia, N Cuamba, C Sacoor, R Rabinovich, P Aide, F Saúte & K Paaijmans. Effect of wall type, delayed mortality and mosquito age on the residual efficacy of a clothianidin-based indoor residual spray formulation (SumiShield™ 50WG) in southern Mozambique. PLoS ONE | 2021 | 16(8): e0248604 | pdf

A Namias, N Bassin Jobe, KP Paaijmans & S Huijben. The need for practical insecticide-resistance guidelines to effectively inform mosquito-borne disease control programs. eLife | 2021 | 10:e65655 | pdf

B Galatas, F Saúte, H Martí-Soler, C Guinovart, L Nhamussua, W Simone, H Munguambe, C Hamido, J Montañà, O Muguande, F Maartens, F Luis, K Paaijmans, A Mayor, Q Bassat, C Menéndez, E Macete, R Rabinovich, PL Alonso, B Candrinho & P Aide. A multiphase program for malaria elimination in southern Mozambique (the Magude project): A before-after study. PLoS Medicine | 2020 | 17(8): e1003227 | pdf

I Enahoro, S Eikenberry, AB Gumel, S Huijben & K Paaijmans. Long-lasting insecticidal nets and the quest for malaria eradication: A mathematical modeling approach. Journal of Mathematical Biology | 2020 | 81: 113–158 | pdf

L Cirera, B Galatas, S Alonso, K Paaijmans, M Mamuleque, H Martí-Soler, C Guinovart, H Munguambe, F Luis, H Nhantumbo, J Montañà, Q Bassat, B Candrinho, R Rabinovich, E Macete, P Aide, P Alonso, F Saúte & E Sicuri. Moving towards malaria elimination in southern Mozambique: cost and cost-effectiveness of mass drug administration combined with intensified malaria control. PLoS ONE | 2020 | 15(7): e0235631 | pdf

C Aerts, M Revilla, L Duval, K Paaijmans, J Chandrabose, H Cox & E Sicuri. Understanding the role of disease knowledge and risk perception in shaping preventive behavior for selected vector-borne diseases in Guyana. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases | 2020 | 14(4): e0008149 | pdf

KP Paaijmans & Silvie Huijben. Taking the ‘I’ out of LLINs: using insecticides in vector control tools other than long-lasting nets to fight malaria. Malaria Journal | 2020 | 19:73 | pdf

M Opiyo & KP Paaijmans. We spray and walk away: wall modifications decrease the impact of indoor residual spray campaigns through reductions in post-spray coverage. Malaria Journal | 2020 | 19:30 | pdf

T Kamiya, M Greischar, K Wadhawan, B Gilbert, K Paaijmans & N Mideo. Temperature-dependent variation in the extrinsic incubation period elevates the risk of vector-borne disease emergence. Epidemics | 2020 | 30:100382 | pdf

R Smith-Aguasca, H Gupta, E Uberegui, M Maquina, F Saute, KP Paaijmans, A Mayor & S Huijben. Mosquitoes as a feasible sentinel group for anti-malarial resistance surveillance by Next Generation Sequencing of Plasmodium falciparumMalaria Journal | 2019 | 18:351 | pdf

P Aide, B Candrinho, B Galatas, K Munguambe, C Guinovart, F Luis, A Mayor, K Paaijmans, L Fernández-Montoya, L Cirera, Q Bassat, S Mocumbi, C Menéndez, D Nhalungo, A Nhacolo, R Rabinovich, E Macete, P Alonso & F Saúte. Setting the scene and generating evidence for malaria elimination in Southern Mozambique. Malaria Journal | 2019 | 18:190 | pdf

K Paaijmans, M Brustollin, C Aranda, R Eritja, S Talavera, N Pagès & S Huijben. Phenotypic insecticide resistance in arbovirus mosquito vectors in Catalonia and its capital Barcelona (Spain). PLoS ONE | 2019 | 14(7): e0217860 | pdf

S Imbahale, J Montana Lopez, J Brew, K Paaijmans, C Rist & C Chaccour. Mapping the potential use of endectocide-treated cattle to reduce malaria transmission. Scientific Reports | 2019 |  9:5826 | pdf

JM Riveron, S Huijben, W Tchapga, M Tchouakui, M Wondji, M Tchoupo, H Irving, N Cuamba, M Maquina, K Paaijmans & CS Wondji. Escalation of pyrethroid resistance in the malaria vector Anopheles funestus induces a loss of efficacy of PBO-based insecticide-treated nets in Mozambique. Journal of Infectious Diseases | 2019 | 220: 467–475 | pdf

E Martí Coma-Cros, A Biosca, J Marques, L Carol, P Urbán, D Berenguer, MC Riera, M Delves, RE Sinden, JJ Valle-Delgado, L Spanos, I Siden-Kiamos, P Pérez, K Paaijmans, M Rottmann, A Manfredi, P Ferruti, E Ranucci & X Fernàndez-Busquets. Polyamidoamine nanoparticles for the oral administration of antimalarial drugs. Pharmaceutics | 2018 | 10(4): 225 | pdf

KD Glunt, S Oliver, R Hunt & KP Paaijmans. The impact of temperature on insecticide toxicity against the malaria vectors Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles funestus. Malaria Journal | 2018 | 17:131 | pdf

S Huijben & KP Paaijmans. Putting evolution in elimination: winning our ongoing battle with evolving malaria mosquitoes and parasites. Evolutionary Applications | 2018 | 11: 415-430 | pdf

The malERA consultative group on resistance. Insecticide and drug resistance: The malERA Refresh research agenda for malaria elimination and eradication. PLoS Medicine | 2017 | 14(11): e1002450 | pdf

LM Beck-Johnson, WA Nelson, KP Paaijmans, AF Read, MB Thomas, & ON Bjornstad. The importance of temperature fluctuations in understanding mosquito population dynamics and malaria risk. Royal Society Open Science | 2017 | 4: 160969 | pdf

P Gelabert, M Sandoval-Velasco, I Olalde, R Fregel, A Rieux, R Escosa, C Aranda, K Paaijmans, I Mueller, MTP Gilbert, C Lalueza-Fox. Mitochondrial DNA from the eradicated European Plasmodium vivax and P. falciparum from 70-year-old slides from the Ebro Delta in Spain. PNAS | 2016 | 113: 11495–11500 | pdf

KD Glunt, AP Abílio, Q Bassat, H Bulo, AE Gilbert, S Huijben, MN Manaca, E Macete, P Alonso & KP Paaijmans. Long-lasting insecticidal nets no longer effectively kill the highly resistant Anopheles funestus of southern Mozambique. Malaria Journal | 2015 | 14: 298 | pdf

SJ Ryan, A McNally, LR Johnson, EA Mordecai, T Ben-Horin, KP Paaijmans & KD Lafferty. Mapping physiological suitability limits of malaria in Africa under climate change. Vector borne and zoonotic diseases | 2015 | 15: 718-725 | pdf

RL Heinig, KP Paaijmans, PA Hancock & MB Thomas. The potential for fungal biopesticides to reduce malaria transmission under diverse environmental conditions. Journal of Applied Ecology | 2015 | 52: 1558-1566 | pdf

LR Johnson, T Ben-Horin, KD Lafferty, A McNally, E Mordecai, KP Paaijmans, S Pawar & SJ Ryan. Understanding uncertainty in temperature effects on vector-borne disease: A Bayesian approach. Ecology | 2015 | 96: 203-213 | pdf

KD Glunt, KP Paaijmans, AF Read & MB Thomas. Environmental temperatures significantly change the impact of insecticides measured using WHOPES protocols. Malaria Journal | 2014 | 13: 350 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, JI Blanford, RG Crane, ME Mann, L Ning, KV Schreiber & MB Thomas. Downscaling reveals diverse effects of anthropogenic climate warming on the potential for local environments to support malaria transmission. Climatic Change | 2014 | 125: 479-488 | pdf

KD Glunt, JI Blanford & KP Paaijmans. Chemicals, climate and control: Increasing the effectiveness of malaria vector control tools by considering relevant temperatures. PLoS Pathogens | 2013 | 9(10): e1003602 | pdf

LM Beck-Johnson, WA Nelson, KP Paaijmans, AF Read, MB Thomas & ON Bjørnstad. The effect of temperature on Anopheles mosquito population dynamics and the potential for malaria transmission. PLoS One | 2013 | 8(11): e79276 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, RL Heinig, RA Seliga, JI Blanford, S Blanford, CC Murdock & MB Thomas. Temperature variation makes ectotherms more sensitive to climate change. Global Change Biology | 2013 | 19: 2373–2380 | pdf

LJ Cator, S Thomas, KP Paaijmans, S Ravishankaran, JA Justin, MT Mathai, AF Read, MB Thomas & A Eapen.  Characterizing microclimate in urban transmission settings: a case study from Chennai, India. Malaria Journal | 2013 | 12: 84 | pdf

JI Blanford, S Blanford, RG Crane, ME Mann, KP Paaijmans, KV Schreiber & MB Thomas. Implications of temperature variation for malaria parasite development across Africa. Scientific Reports | 2013 | 3: 1300 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, LJ Cator & MB Thomas. Temperature-dependent pre-bloodmeal period and temperature-driven asynchrony between parasite development and mosquito biting rate reduce malaria transmission intensity. PLoS ONE | 2013 | 8(1): e55777 | pdf

EA Mordecai, KP Paaijmans, LR Johnson, C Balzer, T Ben-Horin, E de Moor, A McNally, S Pawar, SJ Ryan, TC Smith & KD Lafferty. Optimal temperature for malaria transmission is dramatically lower than previously predicted. Ecology Letters | 2013 | 16: 22-30 | pdf

CC Murdock, KP Paaijmans, AF Read, D Cox-Foster & MB Thomas. Rethinking vector immunology: the role of environmental temperature in shaping resistance. Nature Reviews Microbiology | 2012 | 10: 869-876 | pdf

P Schneider, AS Bell, DG Sim, AJ O’Donnell, S Blanford, KP Paaijmans, AF Read & SE Reece. Virulence, drug sensitivity and transmission success in the rodent malaria, Plasmodium chabaudi. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B | 2012 | 279: 4677-4685 | pdf

CC Murdock, KP Paaijmans, AS Bell, J King, JF Hillyer, AF Read & MB Thomas. Complex effects of temperature on mosquito immune function. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B | 2012 | 279: 3357-3366 | pdf

AS Bell, S Huijben, KP Paaijmans, DG Sim, BHK Chan, WA Nelson & AF Read. Enhanced transmission of drug-resistant parasites to mosquitoes following drug treatment in rodent malaria. PLoS ONE | 2012 | 7(6): e37172 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, S Blanford, BK Chan & MB Thomas. Warmer temperatures reduce the vectorial capacity of malaria mosquitoes. Biology Letters | 2012 | 8: 465-568 | pdf

KP Paaijmans & MB Thomas. The influence of mosquito resting behaviour and associated microclimate for malaria risk. Malaria Journal | 2011 | 10: 183 | pdf

SS Imbahale, KP Paaijmans, WR Mukabana, R van Lammeren, AK Githeko & W Takken. A longitudinal study on Anopheles mosquito larval abundance in distinct geographical and environmental settings in western Kenya. Malaria Journal | 2011 | 10: 81 | pdf

RD Anderson, AS Bell, S Blanford, KP Paaijmans & MB Thomas. Comparative virulence and growth kinetics of four different isolates of entompathogenic fungi in the house fly Musca domestica L. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology | 2011 | 107: 179-184 | pdf

L Lambrechts, KP Paaijmans, T Fansiri, LB Carrington, LD Kramer, MB Thomas & TW Scott. Impact of daily temperature fluctuations on dengue virus transmission by Aedes aegypti. PNAS | 2011 | 108: 7460-7465 | pdf | suppl. info

KP Paaijmans, S Blanford, AS Bell, JI Blanford, AF Read & MB Thomas. Influence of climate on malaria transmission depends on daily temperature variation. PNAS | 2010 | 107: 15135–15139 | pdf | suppl. info

KP Paaijmans, SS Imbahale, MB Thomas & W Takken. Relevant microclimate for determining the development rate of malaria mosquitoes and possible implications of climate change. Malaria Journal | 2010 | 9: 196 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, AF Read & MB Thomas. Understanding the link between malaria risk and climate. PNAS | 2009 | 106: 13844–13849 | pdf | suppl. info | commentary by Pascual et al.

KP Paaijmans, S Huijben, AK Githeko & W Takken. Competitive interactions between larvae of the malaria mosquitoes Anopheles arabiensis and Anopheles gambiae under semi-field conditions in western Kenya. Acta Tropica | 2009 | 109: 124-30 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, BG Heusinkveld & AFG Jacobs. A simplified model to predict diurnal water temperature dynamics in a shallow tropical water pool. International Journal of Biometeorology | 2008 | 52: 797-803 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, W Takken, AK Githeko & AFG Jacobs. The effect of water turbidity on the near-surface temperature of larval habitats of the malaria mosquito Anopheles gambiae. International Journal of Biometeorology | 2008 | 52: 747-753 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, AFG Jacobs, W Takken, BG Heusinkveld, AK Githeko, M Dicke & AAM Holtslag. Observations and model estimates of diurnal water temperature dynamics in mosquito breeding sites in western Kenya. Hydrological Processes | 2008 | 22: 4789-4801 | pdf

AFG Jacobs, BG Heusinkveld, A Kraai & KP Paaijmans. Diurnal temperature fluctuations in an artificial small shallow water body. International Journal of Biometeorology | 2008 | 52: 271-280 | pdf

KP Paaijmans, MO Wandago, AK Githeko & W Takken. Unexpected high losses of Anopheles gambiae larvae due to rainfall. PLoS ONE | 2007 | 2(11): e1146 | pdf

CJM Koenraadt, KP Paaijmans, P Schneider, AK Githeko & W Takken. Low larval vector survival explains unstable malaria in the western Kenya highlands. Tropical Medicine and International Health | 2006 | 11: 1195-1205 | pdf

E-J Scholte, K Ng’habi, J Kihonda, W Takken, K Paaijmans, S Abdulla, GF Killeen & BGJ Knols. An entomopathogenic fungus for control of adult african malaria mosquitoes. Science | 2005 | 308: 1641-1642 | pdf | suppl. info

CJM Koenraadt, KP Paaijmans, AK Githeko, BGJ Knols & W Takken. Egg hatching, larval movement and larval survival of the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae in desiccating habitats. Malaria Journal | 2003 | 2: 20 | pdf

KP Paaijmans & X Fernàndez-Busquets. Antimalarial drug delivery to the mosquito: an option worth exploring? Future Microbiology | 2014 | 9: 579–582 | pdf

KP Paaijmans & MB Thomas. Health: wealth versus warming. Nature Climate Change | 2011 | 1: 349-350 | pdf | commentary on Béguin et al.

U Gordon, F Tanveer, A Rose & K Paaijmans. Repelling mosquitoes with electric fields. In: Advances in Arthropod Repellents (J Coats, C Corona & M Debboun, eds) | 2022 | p. 95-112 | pdf

LR Johnson, KD Lafferty, A McNally, E Mordecai, K Paaijmans, S Pawar & SJ Ryan. Mapping the distribution of malaria: current approaches and future directions. In: Analyzing and modeling spatial and temporal dynamics of infectious diseases (D Chen, B Moulin &  J Wu, eds) | 2015 | p. 189-209 | pdf

KP Paaijmans & MB Thomas. Relevant temperatures in mosquito and malaria biology. In: Ecology of vector-parasite interactions (W Takken & CJM Koenraadt, eds) | 2012 | p. 103-122. | pdf

S Huijben, W Schaftenaar, A Wijsman, K Paaijmans & W Takken. Avian malaria in Europe: an emerging infectious disease? In: Emerging pests and vector-borne diseases in Europe (W Takken & BGJ Knols, eds) | 2007 | p. 59-74 | pdf

KP Paaijmans.  De gevoelstemperatuur van de malariamug. Entomologische Berichten | 2015 | 75: 72-76 | pdf

KP Paaijmans. Weather, water and malaria mosquito larvae: The impact of meteorological factors on water temperature and larvae of the Afro-tropical malaria vector Anopheles gambiae Giles. PhD-thesis Wageningen University | 2008 | pdf