Innovative Vector Solutions aka the Paaijmans lab focuses on mosquitoes and the infectious diseases they transmit, and is organised around the following themes:
- Climate (change) and vector-borne diseases #ClimateAndHealth
- Malaria elimination entomological monitoring #EthicalEntomology
- New tools for vector monitoring and control #FightTheBite
- Critical assessment of vector control policies, guidelines and implementation
We integrate laboratory experiments, field experiments and mathematical models to better inform/aid disease control/prevention and elimination programs and to help developing appropriate adaptation or mitigation strategies for future climates.
Facilities at Arizona State University
- Engineering lab
- Molecular lab (in collaboration with Dr. Huijben)
- ACL2+/BSL3 insectary facility

Facilities at Manhiça Health Research Center
- 3 climate-controlled mosquito rearing rooms
- Entomological lab
- Experimental huts (12)
- CISMs other facilities include a molecular lab, immunology lab, and a data management center.